Baby Steps
Today I rediscovered a basic truth about the Christian life. I realized that to accomplish a God-sized task, each one of us must begin with "Baby Steps"
Too often in the Christian walk men and women try to run before they even know how to crawl. We realize that God has a calling on our lives and one of two things begins to take place. Both options involve the task of running. One will run to the calling while the other will run away from their calling.
The first person can see the "big picture" Immediately this person races off on their quest to change the world. While this is an incredible attitude to have, there are many obstacles that lie ahead for this dear saint. What we must all realize is that to fulfill God's calling we must rely on God's timing.
I am the first to admit to hearing God's call and trying to run before I've learned to crawl. Today I was in the car for quite a long time and I began to reevaluate where I am in my walk and in what direction I am travelling. It has taken a long time for God to teach me how to stand and today I needed to make sure that my footing was firm before I continued walking. I understand that to move forward in my calling and destiny that I must take baby steps toward my goals, because like a toddler, I have a tendency to fall flat on my face.
I have a desire to GO and PREACH and TEACH and DISCIPLE. But before I can do those things, I must let God's sweet spirit refine my heart so that my intentions are pure and my goals are His goals. My heart must be able to love unconditionally and it must break for people. My spirit must be strong yet kind so that I might lead like Jesus. God has brought me so far, he has carried me for so long. At one point in my life I thought I was ready to run, and run I did. Until I began tripping over my own two feet. And now I realize that if these things are to be fulfilled, and I know they will, I have to be patient and move move like a toddler just beginning to walk.
Instead of running off to complete a God-sized task, the faithful Christian must be willing to undergo God-sized refinement!!!! For it is in the refiner's fire that God's ultimate plan is revealed. Just like a baby learning to walk, we will all fall down numerous times before we can run. But once we are ready and fully trained we will be able to then and only then take off running full steam ahead.
And then there are those that will run as fast as they can away from their divine destiny. Theses people are simply afraid of God wants them to do. But I have realized that true joy can not be found until we turn our eyes away from fear and toward the One that has valiantly conquered fear.
The person that runs away is no different than you and I, they are not necessarilly living in sin. But like most of us they are uninformed to the true beauty of God's glorious calling. We all need to learn the providing and protecting attributes of God. Once a believer can completely trust in God's sovereignty he can then begin to take baby steps in the direction of his calling.
Thus, the two runners are presented with the same question. What will be done with your divine purpose?
Remember BABY STEPS!!!!!!