Thursday, February 23, 2006

i'm back...i think

So I have just returned from a great week at the NRB(National Religious Broadcaster's convention) and I am thoroughly wiped. I don't think I've been this tired in a long time. My feet hurt, my back is throbbing, but it's ok we accomplished a lot.

I met a few great men of God, men that when looked upon from afar have accomplished so much for the kingdom. I thought that once I met them I would have a different take. But they were all so very humble, well most of them. I had the opportunity to meet a hero of the faith, Dr. David Jeremiah. I was so impressed with his smile, the way he talked, the way he walked. Not even a hint of arrogance. This is a man that God has used greatly and yet he is almost embarrassed to be introduced as anything other than a simple servant.

I also heard a message from R.C. Sproul about "relevance" He pointed out some great truths that I think we can all learn from. He said that even though he is old and "uncool" he can still be relevant. He also said that a lot have what it takes to be cool but have no concept of what it takes to be relevant. He went on to explain that relevance depends on our ability to reveal the true nature of Christ in all we do. Relevance depends on our Christ like lifestyle, whether we are cool or not, our lives should revolve around one central theme, the revelation of Christ in all we do.

When we begin to reveal the character of Christ, relationships come naturally, social justice comes naturally, community comes naturally.

So you want to relevant, reveal HIM.

Ok so I leave again tomorrow, I'll be going to Ohio to spend some quality time with Katie, and then on to NY to speak at Davis College during their Global Needs Week. I'll be speaking in Chapel on Wednesday and then teaching seminars the rest of the week. Keep me in your prayers.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Runner

Today I had the opportunity to sit and watch the viewing of a new documentary about a guy who is a good friend of mine called the runner.

David Horton set out last year to break the world record on the Pacific Crest Trail that runs from Mexico to Canada by taking a trail that is some 2600+ miles long. The previous record had been 83 or so days and David broke that record by running the trail in 66 days. Check out the trailer and order the dvd.

While I sat there in amazement at this incredible accomplishment I began thinking about my own race. The race that I have been called to run, my destined path before I was even born. I thought of all of the obstacles that have come and gone, and I thought about what lies ahead. So often, as David wanted so many times on the trail, I want to quit. Just give up, but something inside says that just over the next hill there is rest. A place to find comfort, water when I'm thirsty, food when I'm hungry, sleep when I'm tired.

Isn't it amazing how selfish we become while we're on this race? We reach a certain place and begin to take the credit, take the glory in what we have accomplished, while never turning around to see the incredible crew that God has placed in our lives to get us this far. How often have we fallen and had a friend there to pick us up? How often have we felt defeated and a friend gave us a hug? What I learned today is that it's not about me, it's about us. I can't run my race alone, I need the crew that God has given me. We all need people. We all need relationships. Too often I forget this and fail to say thank you to the "crew" that got me this far.

So this blog is for you. Thank you, for not giving up on me. Thank you for supporting my crazy dreams and visions. Thank you for loving me when I screw everything up. Thank you for being my family, my best friends, my "crew". I love you all and I can't wait to run the rest of this race called life with you.

As we run this race together let us remember that the goal is just ahead, so press on toward the mark of our high calling. Let us run the race in faith and together accomplish something that is bigger than ourselves.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Excuse me mister

I think this pretty much somes it up, Which mister are you? Which mister am i?

Written by: Harper/Plunier
Performed by: Ben Harper

excuse me mr. do you have the time or are you so important that it stands still for you,
excuse me mr. lend me your ear or are you not only blind but do you not hear
excuse me mr. isn't that your oil in the sea and the pollution in the air mr. whose could that be

excuse me mr. but i'm a mister too and you're givin' mr. a bad name mr. like you, so i'm taking the mr. from out in front of your name cause it's a mr. like you that puts the rest of us to shame, it's a mr. like you that puts the rest of us to shame,
and i've seen enough to know that i've seen too much

excuse me mr. can't you see the children dying you say that you can't help them mr. you're not even trying, excuse me mr. take a look around mr. just look up and you will see it's comin' down,

excuse me mr. but i'm a mister too and you're givin' mr. a bad name mr. like you so i'm taking the mr. from out in front of your name, cause it's a mr. like you that puts the rest of us to shame it's a mr. like you that puts the rest of us to shame, and i've seen enough to know that i've seen too much

so mr. when you're rattling on heaven's gate let me tell you mr. by then it is too late cause mr. when you get there they don't ask how much you saved all they'll want to know, mr. is what you gave

excuse me mr. but i'm a mister too and you're givin' mr. a bad name mr. like you so i'm taking the mr. from out in front of your name cause it's a mr. like you that puts the rest of us to shame it's a mr. like you that puts the rest of us to shame

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What is church

Recently I was speaking with a good friend about his dream to plant a church/ministry in New York city, since his dream is seemingly the same as mine just opposite coasts, I was more apt to listen closely. He made the statement that he wanted to plant a church in the city that truly lived out the church 6 days a week, and on the 7th day he didn't care where they went to worship.

I must admit that this idea resonates deep in my heart of hearts but at first this idea struck me as strange, why would you plant a church with no visible numbers to report? Why would you submit yourself to such hardwork and arduous labor without being able to write a prayer letter detailing the size of your services or the size of your sanctuary? With no tangible results how will anyone know what is going on? This is the mindset of the church today, a mindset that must change if the kingdom is to be increased.

It was with this mindset that caused me to turn away from ministry just a few short years ago. The american church was no longer a 24/7 lifestyle but rather a Sunday morning gathering of the merging of "ME" generations. Church was no longer the body of Christ, going, doing, and showing the love of Christ, but rather an establishment of self centered egotists that needs to feel better about themselves. The church was no longer our ministry but our business.

My last stop before coming to World Help was as Youth Pastor of a prominent church in VA. I came in with the idea of making a difference, of encouraging todays youth in the love of Jesus. But that all changed one day when the pastor called me into his office and sat me down to tell me that this "ministry" must be run as a business. Believing the lie of corporate america the church had sunken to an all time low. We were more concerned with the bottom line, than who was living under the bridge. As a young pastor I took this in stride. I conformed to that mindset and built a very large youth group. But ultimately I failed, as did the pastor and the majority of the church because we failed to be the church the other 6 days of the week.

It was with this great defeat that I resigned my position. Not only as youth pastor, but vowing to never serve in the church again. How can I serve Jesus when he is a nothing more than a business. When did Jesus become a corporation?

Then I thought back to Matthew 21 and realized that Jesus himself fought against the incorporation of the church. At that moment something changed inside that has since become a fire that cannot be put out. We as true friends of Jesus must in every way, shape, and form be the church daily regardless of where we attend on Sunday. The church, the true church, the body of Christ must be more concerned with the hurting and sick than we are with the size of building or the beauty of the baptistry. We must focus more attention to the homeless than the price tag on our sound equipment. How can we knowingly refuse to feed someone so that we can increase the already to loud decibel level on stage? How can we turn away a single mother of four simply because we don't agree with her lifestyle? How can we say to the person that is living in sin that we have achieved this higher level of spiritual righteousness that excludes them from our company? Especially when we have no concept of true Christlike love.

I have friends around the country that are living as the true church. They are loving in ways that I cannot comprehend. They are doing things that the church for so long has stayed away from for self righteous reasoning.

It is because of these friends that my mind, more importantly my heart, has changed. Being the church is more important than a Sunday morning service. Sure we'll probably have one in Portland. Yes I hope it grows. But my prayer is that our leadership never get bigger than Jesus. That we never let our human greed defeat our desire to meet human need. And that we look nothing like the "money changers" of old, but rather the True church of Jesus Christ.

What would it look like if we all took a step back from the business of ministry and allowed ourselves to see the need of humanity? What would it look like if we took a step back from our own self righteousness and saw our own need for Christ's love? I dare say the church would not look like corporate america.

The days of Corporate Church are coming to an end, let us together engage culture as Friends of Jesus rather than hiding in our temples as Pharisees.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

A fresh look from a really cool guy

Remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast by Bono

If you're wondering what I'm doing here, at a prayer breakfast, well, so am I. I'm certainly not here as a man of the cloth, unless that cloth is leather. It's certainly not because I'm a rock star. Which leaves one possible explanation: I'm here because I've got a messianic complex.Yes, it's true. And for anyone who knows me, it's hardly a revelation.Well, I'm the first to admit that there's something unnatural...something unseemly...about rock stars mounting the pulpit and preaching at presidents, and then disappearing to their villas in the south of France. Talk about a fish out of water. It was weird enough when Jesse Helms showed up at a U2 concert...but this is really weird, isn't it?You know, one of the things I love about this country is its separation of church and state. Although I have to say: in inviting me here, both church and state have been separated from something else completely: their mind.Mr. President, are you sure about this?It's very humbling and I will try to keep my homily brief. But be warned - I'm Irish.I'd like to talk about the laws of man, here in this city where those laws are written. And I'd like to talk about higher laws. It would be great to assume that the one serves the other; that the laws of man serve these higher laws...but of course, they don't always. And I presume that, in a sense, is why you're here.I presume the reason for this gathering is that all of us here - Muslims, Jews, Christians - all are searching our souls for how to better serve our family, our community, our nation, our God.I know I am. Searching, I mean. And that, I suppose, is what led me here, too.Yes, it's odd, having a rock star here - but maybe it's odder for me than for you. You see, I avoided religious people most of my life. Maybe it had something to do with having a father who was Protestant and a mother who was Catholic in a country where the line between the two was, quite literally, a battle line. Where the line between church and state was...well, a little blurry, and hard to see.I remember how my mother would bring us to chapel on Sundays... and my father used to wait outside. One of the things that I picked up from my father and my mother was the sense that religion often gets in the way of God.For me, at least, it got in the way. Seeing what religious people, in the name of God, did to my native land...and in this country, seeing God's second-hand car salesmen on the cable TV channels, offering indulgences for fact, all over the world, seeing the self-righteousness roll down like a mighty stream from certain corners of the religious establishment...I must confess, I changed the channel. I wanted my MTV.Even though I was a believer.Perhaps because I was a believer.I was cynical...not about God, but about God's politics. (There you are, Jim.)Then, in 1997, a couple of eccentric, septuagenarian British Christians went and ruined my shtick - my reproachfulness. They did it by describing the millennium, the year 2000, as a Jubilee year, as an opportunity to cancel the chronic debts of the world's poorest people. They had the audacity to renew the Lord's call - and were joined by Pope John Paul II, who, from an Irish half-Catholic's point of view, may have had a more direct line to the Almighty.'Jubilee' - why 'Jubilee'?What was this year of Jubilee, this year of our Lord's favor?I'd always read the scriptures, even the obscure stuff. There it was in Leviticus (25:35)...'If your brother becomes poor,' the scriptures say, 'and cannot maintain shall maintain him.... You shall not lend him your money at interest, not give him your food for profit.'It is such an important idea, Jubilee, that Jesus begins his ministry with this. Jesus is a young man, he's met with the rabbis, impressed everyone, people are talking. The elders say, he's a clever guy, this Jesus, but he hasn't done much...yet. He hasn't spoken in public before...When he does, is first words are from Isaiah: 'The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,' he says, 'because He has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.' And Jesus proclaims the year of the Lord's favour, the year of Jubilee (Luke 4:18).What he was really talking about was an era of grace - and we're still in it.So fast-forward 2,000 years. That same thought, grace, was made incarnate - in a movement of all kinds of people. It wasn't a bless-me club... it wasn't a holy huddle. These religious guys were willing to get out in the streets, get their boots dirty, wave the placards, follow their convictions with actions...making it really hard for people like me to keep their distance. It was amazing. I almost started to like these church people.But then my cynicism got another helping hand.It was what Colin Powell, a five-star general, called the greatest W.M.D. of them all: a tiny little virus called AIDS. And the religious community, in large part, missed it. The ones that didn't miss it could only see it as divine retribution for bad behaviour. Even on children...even [though the] fastest growing group of HIV infections were married, faithful women.Aha, there they go again! I thought to myself judgmentalism is back!But in truth, I was wrong again. The church was slow but the church got busy on this the leprosy of our age.Love was on the move.Mercy was on the move.God was on the move.Moving people of all kinds to work with others they had never met, never would have cared to meet...conservative church groups hanging out with spokesmen for the gay community, all singing off the same hymn sheet on moms and quarterbacks...hip-hop stars and country stars. This is what happens when God gets on the move: crazy stuff happens!Popes were seen wearing sunglasses!Jesse Helms was seen with a ghetto blaster!Crazy stuff. Evidence of the spirit.It was breathtaking. Literally. It stopped the world in its tracks.When churches started demonstrating on debt, governments listened - and acted. When churches starting organising, petitioning, and even - that most unholy of acts today, God forbid, lobbying...on AIDS and global health, governments listened - and acted.I'm here today in all humility to say: you changed minds; you changed policy; you changed the world.Look, whatever thoughts you have about God, who He is or if He exists, most will agree that if there is a God, He has a special place for the poor. In fact, the poor are where God lives.Check Judaism. Check Islam. Check pretty much anyone.I mean, God may well be with us in our mansions on the hill. I hope so. He may well be with us as in all manner of controversial stuff. Maybe, maybe not. But the one thing we can all agree, all faiths and ideologies, is that God is with the vulnerable and poor.God is in the slums, in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. God is in the silence of a mother who has infected her child with a virus that will end both their lives. God is in the cries heard under the rubble of war. God is in the debris of wasted opportunity and lives, and God is with us if we are with them. "If you remove the yoke from your midst, the pointing of the finger and speaking wickedness, and if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom with become like midday and the Lord will continually guide you and satisfy your desire in scorched places."It's not a coincidence that in the scriptures, poverty is mentioned more than 2,100 times. It's not an accident. That's a lot of air time, 2,100 mentions. (You know, the only time Christ is judgmental is on the subject of the poor.) 'As you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me' (Matthew 25:40). As I say, good news to the poor.Here's some good news for the president. After 9/11 we were told America would have no time for the world's poor. America would be taken up with its own problems of safety. And it's true these are dangerous times, but America has not drawn the blinds and double-locked the doors.In fact, you have doubled aid to Africa. You have tripled funding for global health. Mr. President, your emergency plan for AIDS relief and support for the Global Fund - you and Congress - have put 700,000 people onto life-saving anti-retroviral drugs and provided 8 million bed nets to protect children from malaria.Outstanding human achievements. Counterintuitive. Historic. Be very, very proud.But here's the bad news. From charity to justice, the good news is yet to come. There is much more to do. There's a gigantic chasm between the scale of the emergency and the scale of the response.And finally, it's not about charity after all, is it? It's about justice.Let me repeat that: It's not about charity, it's about justice.And that's too bad.Because you're good at charity. Americans, like the Irish, are good at it. We like to give, and we give a lot, even those who can't afford it.But justice is a higher standard. Africa makes a fool of our idea of justice; it makes a farce of our idea of equality. It mocks our pieties, it doubts our concern, it questions our commitment.Sixty-five hundred Africans are still dying every day of a preventable, treatable disease, for lack of drugs we can buy at any drug store. This is not about charity, this is about justice and equality.Because there's no way we can look at what's happening in Africa and, if we're honest, conclude that deep down, we really accept that Africans are equal to us. Anywhere else in the world, we wouldn't accept it. Look at what happened in South East Asia with the tsunami. 150,000 lives lost to that misnomer of all misnomers, "mother nature." In Africa, 150,000 lives are lost every month. A tsunami every month. And it's a completely avoidable catastrophe.It's annoying but justice and equality are mates. Aren't they? Justice always wants to hang out with equality. And equality is a real pain.You know, think of those Jewish sheep-herders going to meet the Pharaoh, mud on their shoes, and the Pharaoh says, "Equal?" A preposterous idea: rich and poor are equal? And they say, "Yeah, 'equal,' that's what it says here in this book. We're all made in the image of God."And eventually the Pharaoh says, "OK, I can accept that. I can accept the Jews - but not the blacks.""Not the women. Not the gays. Not the Irish. No way, man."So on we go with our journey of equality.On we go in the pursuit of justice.We hear that call in the ONE Campaign, a growing movement of more than 2 million Americans...Left and Right together... united in the belief that where you live should no longer determine whether you live.We hear that call even more powerfully today, as we mourn the loss of Coretta Scott King - mother of a movement for equality, one that changed the world but is only just getting started. These issues are as alive as they ever were; they just change shape and cross the seas.Preventing the poorest of the poor from selling their products while we sing the virtues of the free market...that's a justice issue. Holding children to ransom for the debts of their grandparents...that's a justice issue. Withholding life-saving medicines out of deference to the Office of Patents...that's a justice issue.And while the law is what we say it is, God is not silent on the subject.That's why I say there's the law of the land¿. And then there is a higher standard. There's the law of the land, and we can hire experts to write them so they benefit us, so the laws say it's OK to protect our agriculture but it's not OK for African farmers to do the same, to earn a living?As the laws of man are written, that's what they say.God will not accept that.Mine won't, at least. Will yours?[ pause]I close this morning is a dangerous idea I've put on the table: my God vs. your God, their God vs. our God...vs. no God. It is very easy, in these times, to see religion as a force for division rather than unity.And this is a town - Washington - that knows something of division.But the reason I am here, and the reason I keep coming back to Washington, is because this is a town that is proving it can come together on behalf of what the scriptures call the least of these.This is not a Republican idea. It is not a Democratic idea. It is not even, with all due respect, an American idea. Nor it is unique to any one faith.'Do to others as you would have them do to you' (Luke 6:30). Jesus says that.'Righteousness is this: that one should...give away wealth out of love for him to the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer and the beggars and for the emancipation of the captives.' The Koran says that (2.177).Thus sayeth the Lord: 'Bring the homeless poor into the house, when you see the naked, cover him, then your light will break out like the dawn and your recovery will speedily spring fourth, then your Lord will be your rear guard.' The Jewish scripture says that. Isaiah 58 again.That is a powerful incentive: 'The Lord will watch your back.' Sounds like a good deal to me, right now.A number of years ago, I met a wise man who changed my life. In countless ways, large and small, I was always seeking the Lord's blessing. I was saying, you know, I have a new song, look after it¿. I have a family, please look after them¿. I have this crazy idea...And this wise man said: stop.He said, stop asking God to bless what you're doing.Get involved in what God is doing - because it's already blessed.Well, God, as I said, is with the poor. That, I believe, is what God is doing.And that is what he's calling us to do.I was amazed when I first got to this country and I learned how much some churchgoers tithe. Up to 10% of the family budget. Well, how does that compare with the federal budget, the budget for the entire American family? How much of that goes to the poorest people in the world? Less than 1%.Mr. President, Congress, people of faith, people of America:I want to suggest to you today that you see the flow of effective foreign assistance as tithing.... Which, to be truly meaningful, will mean an additional 1% of the federal budget tithed to the poor.What is 1%?1% is not merely a number on a balance sheet.1% is the girl in Africa who gets to go to school, thanks to you. 1% is the AIDS patient who gets her medicine, thanks to you. 1% is the African entrepreneur who can start a small family business thanks to you. 1% is not redecorating presidential palaces or money flowing down a rat hole. This 1% is digging waterholes to provide clean water.1% is a new partnership with Africa, not paternalism toward Africa, where increased assistance flows toward improved governance and initiatives with proven track records and away from boondoggles and white elephants of every description.America gives less than 1% now. We're asking for an extra 1% to change the world. to transform millions of lives - but not just that and I say this to the military men now - to transform the way that they see us.1% is national security, enlightened economic self-interest, and a better, safer world rolled into one. Sounds to me that in this town of deals and compromises, 1% is the best bargain around.These goals - clean water for all; school for every child; medicine for the afflicted, an end to extreme and senseless poverty - these are not just any goals; they are the Millennium Development goals, which this country supports. And they are more than that. They are the Beatitudes for a globalised world.Now, I'm very lucky. I don't have to sit on any budget committees. And I certainly don't have to sit where you do, Mr. President. I don't have to make the tough choices.But I can tell you this:To give 1% more is right. It's smart. And it's blessed.There is a continent - Africa - being consumed by flames.I truly believe that when the history books are written, our age will be remembered for three things: the war on terror, the digital revolution, and what we did - or did not to - to put the fire out in Africa.History, like God, is watching what we do.Thank you. Thank you, America, and God bless you all.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Forgotten Children Posted by Picasa

Never Forget

Every night over 40,000 children, some as young as 5 years old, leave their villages to take refuge in the towns of Northern Uganda ... these are Uganda's "forgotten children."

Thousands of boys and girls, carrying only a small mat to sleep on, walk as far as 8 miles each way in order to escape abduction, rape, and violent attacks by Ugandan rebels. Most of these children end up sleeping on the streets. The fortunate ones may find places to sleep in courtyards and in the churches. But, nearly 14,000 of these children find refuge each night in Gulu. The local people call them the "night commuters."

The world has turned its head at this ugly tragedy, the church has turned it's back.

I am reminded of just how blind we as American christians are to the plight of peoples outside of our personal realm of comfort. We have hardened our hearts for the poor and the needy. We have desensitized ourselves to the point that we can no longer sense the pain and affliction of others.

God has beckoned believers to live in community, not in royal mansions. He has charged us with the responsibility to care for those around us, whether they are of like faith or not.

Christians have long ago forgotten that being a follower of Christ calls us to lay down every possession and hold nothing back. We are taught in our society to save for a rainy day and to stockpile our wealth, while the God that I serve teaches me to live by faith. In fact we are commanded to sell our possessions and give the proceeds to the poor and needy and to then take up our cross and follow Christ.

Again I ask, what would it look like if we embraced "Life together" instead of this is my life and I'll tithe my 10%. I don't believe God is pleased when he looks at our lives and sees that we are not living the life that we are called to live.

I say all that to say this, if believers, myself included, would live a life of total sacrifice instead of a life of selfish ambition and a greed for wealth, there would be no crisis in Uganda. If we remember the Call of Christ, the Children will not be forgotten.

May we never forget!!!!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Reckless Abandon

I've wandered lately what it would look like to live with a reckless abandonment for self and begin living for others. I mean to totally live life in a way that leaves no room for selfish ambitions or desires but that is totally consumed with serving Christ and others.

I was looking at a website today,, and my heart was broken. I wasn't angered by the content of the website, but by the simple fact that the believers she has come in contact with have all been hypocrites. They have taught love and lived hate, taught obedience and lived the opposite, they talk of abundant joy and live in desolate defeat and depression. I have shown the website to a number of so called believers and I have been thoroughly shocked by their response. Instead of heartfelt grief for this lady they are angered by her dismissal of the bible. When in fact, if they are angered at all it should be at those that claim Christ and live the life of the ultimate hypocrite. Even better they should be angered by their own sinful reaction.

I'm not saying that we as Christians don't slip up and do hypocritical things. None of us are perfect, but we can live a life that is devoted to the pursuit of holiness and a passion for showing the love of Christ.

The dogmatic militant approach of Christianity is no longer an option if we are to impactf today's cultural paradigm shift. I believe that if we are to change the way a culture thinks it will not happen within the walls of the church but on the street where the church shows it's true colors.

As a good friend said recently, some see the change in culture and are afraid of it, some run from it, some fight it, some ignore it, others engage it.

I have found that the only way to engage culture in a relevant way is to abandon self and serve others.

I don't have it all figured out, but I am bound and determined to live my life in such a way others see Jesus in me. Not as some dogmatic religious figure, but as a kind, loving, gentle friend.