Sunday, August 06, 2006


Community is a popular word these days in the Christian realm, as well as in the secular, often bandied about with ill-defined meaning. Perhaps its increasing importance results from the fact that well documented research supports what many have already concluded - commitment to community is not as strong as it once was. Those who continue to affirm its importance frequently must demonstrate its value to clarify its purpose.

Here in SF we participate in "Faith Community" not in the traditional sense of a local meeting or congregation, but in the sense that the Christian faith is the foundation upon which the community rests, the common subject matter the community explores, and the common experience the community seeks to understand and articulate. As Christ spoke directly to the early disciples, we believe that Christ continues to teach those who seek Truth. We aspire to be a community where such a search characterizes our life together.

We are also a community of learning, as individuals who have responded to God's call in our lives gather to embark on a journey that radically transforms as our lives follow in service of our King.

We as a community also seek to be a community of "hospitality" characterized by our understanding of Christian love. In a city that is filled with sojourners, our desire is to be a place where people meet God through our lives and carry "community" wherever they go from here.

The intentional definition of community creates the setting in which we are discipled and seek to make disciples for our God.

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