Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Redskin Theology 101

If Tom Cruise continues to sit in the owners box of my beloved Redskins I will be forced to relinquish my allegiance to the Hogzilla's of football. Regardless of the fact the Joe Gibbs came out of retirement to bring the team back to the contender it once was, I cannot cheer for a team that is owned by the playboy wannabe Daniel Snyder. To have Tom Cruise in the owners box allienates the fans that have worshipped the Skins for decades. When was the last time the Hogladies were invited into the box with ole Danny boy, NEVER!!!

I know you're thinking, Mike has lost it. Maybe I have, but I'm tired of people in power, or rather people with money and clout, ruling over the people that took them there. Has Dan Snyder forgotten that he wouldn't have his precious money if the fans weren't at the game?

I think as pastors, we can look a lot like Dan Snyder. We like to hang out with the Tom Cruises of the world so that we can look like we're somebody. But what we fail to see is that while we're off partying, or golfing in my case, the people that bust their asses everyday so we look good are still doing just that, busting their asses, so that we look good. Isn't it time that leaders give credit where credit is due and say thank you to those who got them where they are. Or better yet, let's invest in those who having nothing to invest except their lives. For pastors its simple, we need to invest in people, people who are hurting, poor, hungry, broken, sick, and afraid, rather than the next big guy or the golden boy of the moment. Let's invest in something that's eternal, rather material. Let's care for someones soul and forget about the talent or checkbook they bring to the table. Let's stop teaching about giving and be examples of stewardship. Let's stop touting our ego and model humility.

I think there's a lot we can learn from Dan Snyder, but to be honest, I learn the same things from myself if I look deep enough.

Go Skins!!!!

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