Saturday, October 21, 2006

Today I thought about why I have a calling and yet I also have a very selfish side. I wondered today if it was ok for my selfish desires to be different than the calling and desires God has placed in my heart. Can they coexist or must the calling suppress that which is natural. I know the answer to this, I think, but today I couldn't convince myself of it.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I agree with the thought in general, but we must remember that our gifts and talents can be easily co-opted by others and even by ourselves in our attempts to serve God whole heartedly. We fail to recognize the thought that in our weakness His strength is found, and when we operate exclusively within our specific gifting our tendency is to become proud, egotistical, and haughty in spirit. What I am suggesting is that it is all to easy to experience the so called vision, which some would call lusts, within our calling based on our talent alone. My struggle and I believe the struggle of any good leader is that of humility and simplicity. God doesn't always give the master plan so therefore we create one based on our talent and gifting. Which is equal to adulterating our calling. So I do agree with your thought, but I caution you and myself to not rely on our gifting because our gifting is our strength and that can be dangerous if misused. My point is much deeper than this simple reply. I am convinced that gifting alone cannot be the basis of calling, that is the beginning of narcissism. People who work out their calling based on mere talent tend to lean toward a lack of empathy to others with less talent and yet feel they have the same calling. I know you and I know your heart and I believe your desires are pure, but I cannot know that about other leaders if your statement is 100% true, those who lead based on talent lack humility, and therefore lack the ability to lead like Jesus.