Saturday, March 24, 2007

Fruit vs Flash

In about 11 hours I will be speaking on the missional life. A life devoted to being rather than consumed with doing. As I sit here and prepare my thoughts for tomorrow I am increasingly grateful for the examples of missional living around us. The friends that God has given us are committed to simply being the people of God where they are, not needing to sale themselves to anyone or explain what they're doing to those who ask.

I am humbled by such men and women and long to become such a man. A man who is accountable to his friends and to God. Not controlled by the latest trends in the church or the hierarchy thereof. The impact of the church as a people rather than an institution is sometimes unseen by the physical eye that is trained to look for flashy results and shows that would put broadway to shame. While I know that we could produce a helluva show and attract large crowds easily, it is equally as obvious that that in no way would transform a city, much less an individual's relationship with an almighty God. It is only through lifestyles committed to the simplicity of the gospel and love of Christ that true fruit is produced.

I have never seen a tree produce an apple by screaming, hey look at me, I'm the best tree around, I sway to the breeze just right and I rock out only to the best tweeting birds in town. No, the tree quietly lives its life as a tree and produces fruit. So may the follower simply produce fruit and not long for the recognition of the orchard.

1 comment:

David Lantow said...


The beautiful thing about the words you shared today is that they are proven by the way you live every day. I'm proud to be counted your friend!