The Prayer of Silence
I like to call it my Cave time...A time when I can simply sit and listen, a time where the chaos is silenced for a time of silent contemplation, a time to listen.
The idea of prayer is powerful concept. However it is often misunderstood. We are taught, or maybe we just hear what we want, that the idea of prayer is an always open petition line between man and God. A time where we boldly come before the throne and tell God what we think we need. And this is true, there is a power in the fact that we have the ability to speak with authority to the creator and make known our requests. But sadly most of us end there. Of course we all know there is more, but in practice, we stop there.
But in the midst of life, in the midst of chaos where is peace? Where is contentment? I believe it is in the voice of God. A voice that is often missed because we fail to be silent. Sometimes this silence is literal, we get alone, we seek God in the quiet place. Other times we must find this silence in the middle of our day when life doesn't allow for quiet contemplation.
Silence isn't always stopping the noise around us, it is simply stopping the noise within. It is allowing the voice of God to be revealed within our being. To hear this voice, to know this voice I think we need to practice the prayer of silence. Where we simply quiet our spirits, knowing that our troubles and cares are in the hands of a soveriegn God, and listening for His leading, His guidance, His comfort.
Some say that silence isn't possible within a troubled spirit...I say that is true unless you believe that a God that can calm the seas can calm our spirit. Chaos and turmoil disrupting our spirit is a matter submission, not of circumstance.
The submitted heart can always find silence in chaos. If circumstances control the attitude of the heart one will never find joy in the silence of prayer, because the prayer of silence requires releasing control and submitting our story to a greater story.
If my people pray...I will hear...I will heal... I will forgive
If my people submit...What would happen?
If my people obey...What would happen?
If my people listen...What would happen?
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