Creation's Song - Spoken Word
As I sit here and listen to your creation I wonder
How a God could create such beauty and the man he created to protect it would take it in vain as we do.
I here the sound of crickets and frogs sing a chorus of wonder into the starlit night for all who will listen and hear.
To hear that creation itself will sing of your goodness if man will not
That the stars that shine above shine out of your power and light and yet we fail to see your glory as a comet races by
The night is dark, but in the darkest of night creation sings it’s hallelujahs while man is silent
Why would I be silent, if my reason for silence isn’t to listen for the sound of creations song?
Why is my silence screaming so loud that I cannot hear your voice?
What is in my heart that hides my face from your glory and my lips from your praise?
Tonight as I sit under the starlit sky may the light of your glory become so bright that even with eyes closed I rest and soak in your presence
Tonight as I listen to the song of the wild may my lips form the words to praise you my creator and king
Tonight as the cricket sings your lullaby may my life begin to reflect worship that only the maker of all creation deserves?
Who could create such beauty? And who could deny Him His praise?
The rocks have no right to cry out as long as I live
It is my privilege, no my honor to lift my voice in praise and offer my life as a sacrifice of worship on the altar of service before you
No the rocks will not cry out as long as I have breath, it is my calling that the praise of my life be such that all who meet me meet my creator
It is for His service that I was born, it is for His service that I live
All other pursuits are vanity, all other dreams become nightmares
If it does not come from you my king, who makes the stars to conduct this symphony of praise upon my ears, I do not desire it
As the psalmist declares, let the people praise you Oh God, let all the peoples praise you
For then they shall see your glory and join in this chorus that permeates the earth as the waters cover the sea
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