Monday, April 16, 2007

Seek first the Kingdom

What does this mean? What does it mean to go to the ends of the earth? Are we commanded to make converts or is that Jesus' job? If so what does it mean to make disciples?

These questions and many more are large part of the journey we are on. Along with the questions, are values that not only shape but are ultimate goals of the way we live our lives. Are these values Kingdom values? If so, then am I seeking the Kingdom first or do ministry and dreams get in the way?

This path that we are on doesn't lend time to waste, so the choices we make reveal the true character of who we are. Much of my life this hasn't been the case, I could hide behind the sexiness of full time ministry. Today there is no shield to hind behind. And to be quite honest, I've been forced to mature and grow up in ways that would have never happened if I had stayed in the institution.

What would it look like if we took away the shield of ministry and exposed the private lives of pastors and church leaders across America? Would we all go to church on Sunday when we realize that these men are no better than us? That they have no more Jesus than the rest of us.

I am thankful today that the veil has been removed and values have replaced what I once hid behind.

The life we live definitely isn't sexy, but the fruit of today's actions will last much longer than anything accomplished without the values we now hold dear.

Seek first the Kingdom and we'll discover who we are when no one is looking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sound thoughts.

I am not there yet, and I gotta keep climbing higher, as there are no happy spiritual plateaus in life. However, I have a strong intuitive sense that seeking the Kingdom entails a radical call to discipleship and it means breaking the mold of institutional churchianity.