Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Dr. Jerry Falwell - 1933-2007

This morning I received news just as the rest of the world did, that my friend, Jerry Falwell had passed away. The emotional tug of war that took place following the call was something not easily forgotten. For the better part of my adult life Dr. Falwell was more than a man on a stage or that conservative nut job. Jerry was my friend.

One of my first "adult" jobs was with Jerry. Riding around in the Suburban I'll never forget the man who impacted my life on so many levels. As years went by and distance separated those rides, my phone rang occasionally with a simple deep voice saying, "How's it goin Mike? I'm proud of you, I'm praying for you."

Our politics never exactly lined up, Jerry being the Neo-Con and I being a strict Constitutionalist, however there was a common bond even in our disagreement, an intense love for this country. Some may disagree, but Jerry was a great patriot leader and our country is better because of his presence.

His sense of humor will always stay with me, whether it was driving on the sidewalk to run down a student or throwing you over the couch with those massive fists, he was always the prankster. To live the life he lived without humor would have been impossible, thank you Jerry for making me laugh.

Jerry's theology was neither here nor there, he had his beliefs and he stood by them. But he had a heart that was always open to change, but only if he was convinced it was of God. From hymns to DC Talk Jerry showed us a side that most of us aren't willing to open up. Thanks Jerry for showing that change is a good thing.

The Jerry I will remember isn't the man who left an empire or a legacy. Everyone else will write about that. The Jerry I remember was a man who simply wanted you to know Jesus.

A friend today said that Jerry was a leader for his day and age. The 70's and 80's needed a man like him to stand with a mighty voice and proclaim a righteous God. The torch has been passed, leadership doesn't look like it did 30 years ago. But one thing remains the same, we have seen that every generation needs someone to stand in the gap. Jerry stood, now it's our turn.

Rest with your Jesus, Jerry. You always said you'd sleep when you died, well sir you have earned your rest. I'll miss you and I'll always know that you were my friend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow dude. I didn't know you and Jerry knew each other like that. We all greive.